Vision, Mission and Values


The ISF is a community of learners, independent in thought and action, deeply rooted in Chinese culture, global in understanding and experience, and excellent in all endeavors.

ISF Mission

The Mission of the ISF is to promote education that is:

  • Independent: Nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love of learning for academic, personal,
    and social development;
  • Chinese: Educating learners in a uniquely Chinese-English bilingual and East-West bicultural environment rooted in timeless Chinese values embodied in the Eight Virtues + One ; and
  • Global: Building life skills through experiential learning, inspiring learners to act as empowered and
    resilient global stewards.

ISF Core Values

All members of The ISF Academy follow the Eight Virtues + One , showing this in the following ways:


I am diligent and responsible for those things to which I have fully committed myself. I am true to others and myself. I strive to realize the ISF ideal.


I am respectful to others. I respect parents, teachers and cultural heritage. I build on past knowledge and experience as I learn and create new things.


I am kind and compassionate to others and help without thought of reward. I care for the environment, peace and future.


I am passionate about learning and life. I am full of curiosity about our world. I am made complete through compassionate self-sacrifice.


I am polite and respectful to others. I am disciplined and think before I act. I embody the cultured and exemplary behavior of the true “Lady” or “Gentlemen”.


I am principled, pursue justice, and stand up for my beliefs. I am confident and take risks. I am trustworthy.


I value and pursue harmony with others. I rejoice in multicultural immersion.


I pursue balance and maintain a healthy mind and body. All people are equal and treated fairly.


The Eight Virtues + One are the living principles of The ISF community, where intelligence and wisdom are built on the foundation of the Eight Virtues, and which guide us to exercise judgment and make right choices in our life’s journey.

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